
Hello friends! I finally did it... created my own little slice of the cyber world. And best of all - it's free!! I've only been thinking about creating a blog for a year now (sums me up pretty well), and finally took the time to learn a few things and put it to use! I'm hoping to use this as a place to share some positive thoughts, DIY's, recipes, and even a few of life's lessons learned. (Made a separate tab for that - "Dear Diary", so if you're not interested (no offense taken) just avoid that tab all together.) One area I hope you do check out is Pay It Forward, where I will do a weekly feature of a new organization. Come help me donate, and learn more about these deserving groups!

A little bit about me. I'm 27 and full of hope. You know, at that age where I think I've experienced so much, yet still don't have the responsibilities of marriage, a mortgage, or children to feed. All in all, I feel like a curious child excited to meet new people and embark on new journeys. One thing I know for sure - I am blessed. I don't mean with good fortune, fame, or even an enormously high IQ. But blessed by God's love, family, and friends. 

Ooo, one more thing. Since I don't have all the time in the world to share my likings on this blog, you can also check out my Pinterest page (better than Facebook in my opinion): http://pinterest.com/nicole_jurgens/


  1. I'm so proud...and impressed that you created this blog, Nikki! This is wonderful, and I love your picture. We are actually doing a version on Pay it Forward at our school this year. :). Love you!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am also inspired and interested

  4. Hi Riyasa! Thanks for your comment. I just checked out your blog, and I muse say, you have some adorable items on there. This whole blogging thing is new to me, but quite fun. :)

  5. Your blog is so cute, Nikki! Great job for doing this!
