Friday, March 30, 2012

30DC - Day Five, Jumping Hurdles

It was more than hard returning to the studio after missing two days. I was excited to get back into it; however, it felt like a challenge just walking up the stairs and laying out my mat on the floor. I sort of knew it would be like this from extreme dehydration and not being able to eat for two and a half days. None-the-less, we started with the first breathing series and I was happy to be there surrounded by 20 other committed "yogis". I had to rest on my mat several times, specifically after Dandayamana-Janushirasana (Standing Head to Knee Pose) and Trikanasana (Triangle Pose). I find Triangle Pose one of the hardest postures to begin with, so today it was extra tough and had me feeling extra dizzy. I was beyond grateful for Savasana (Dead Body Pose) during this session. This is where you lay on your back with feet touching, toes pointed out, arms by your side, palms up, as close to your body as they can be. Although you're just lying there, this posture is so beneficial for returning the body's circulation to normal and teaching us complete relaxation. Side note: You are still working at this point! Bikram says it's crucial to have your eyes open and gaze soft, that way you can be more aware of this pose and its benefits.

Weakest Pose: Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana (Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose)

 It slims abdomen, waistline, hips, buttocks, and upper thighs. Increases the flexibility of the spine and the sciatic nerves and of most of the tendons and ligaments of the legs, and strengthens the biceps of thighs and calves. It also greatly improves blood circulation in the legs and to the brain, and strengthens the rectus abdominus, gluteus maximus, oblique, deltoid, and trapezius muscles.

 * This was extra hard today because the throat-choking sensation made me want to gag - leaving the posture was compromised.  

Strongest Pose: Pavanamuktasana (Wind Removing Pose)

Cures and prevents flatulence, which is the source of most chronic abdominal discomforts. Improves the flexibility of the hip joints and firms the abdomen, thighs, and hips. Strengthens the bicep and tricep muscles of the upper arms and all the muscles of the forearm.

* Wind Removing Pose felt fantastic on my abdominal organs after being sick. There was something about the pinch in my hips that actually felt relaxing. It's so similar to fetal position... how could I not be happy?!   

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