Tuesday, March 20, 2012

30DC - Day Two, I am Shocked!

First, I want to rewind to this morning. Let's just say after only one session I felt as though Bikram Yoga had taken over my dreams, pee schedule, and body. I had a dream that I had the most beautiful Standing Bow Pulling Pose combined with a very toned stomach - hopefully that dream is somewhat of a foreshadow for how I'll feel at the end of this challenge! The more annoying part was having to get up 3 times in the middle of the night from all the water and coconut water I had consumed before bed. As far as muscle aches and pains, I'm feeling much better than I had anticipated. I have very tight hamstrings and my neck and shoulders seem to feel a little more tense today. I forgot to mention yesterday that I am not only doing this challenge for physical benefits, but I am hoping to feel more relaxed and less anxious when all is said and done.

Now... on to the second day wrap up. I was and still am shocked at how much better I felt during class compared to yesterday. I was expecting to at least get dizzy during a few of the poses and even have to rest a few times. To my surprise - neither of these things happened. I was just pure shocked with my strength and focus in tonight's practice. I was anticipating to use breaks for at least the first 4-5 classes. With that being said, I am completely aware that tomorrow may be a whole different story. I have heard time and time again from those who have been practicing Bikram for years, it will always remain a challenge. For now, I'll just thank my coconut water and hope tomorrow brings the same satisfaction...

Weakest Pose: Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana (Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose)

Cures and prevents sciatica by stretching and strengthening the sciatic nerves and the tendons of the legs. It helps the functioning of most of the internal abdominal organs, especially the small and large intestine, and improves the muscle tone and flexibility of thighs and calves and the flexibility of the pelvis, ankles, and hip joints, and of the last five vertebrae of the spine.

* I think I really struggled with this pose since my hamstrings were so tight. Also, my fingers were super uncomfortable and squished while my feet were sliding farther from one another. 

 Strongest Pose: Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Produces maximum compression of the spine. Improves the flexibility of the neck and spine and relieves backache. The peak of the floor series. This posture stretches the abdominal organs to the maximum and cures constipation. It stretches the throat, thyroid gland, and parathyroids. Like the Bow Pose, it opens a narrow rib cage to give more space to the lungs. It also firms and slims the abdomen and the waistline. In addition, this posture allows release of emotional tension held in the body as stress, anxiety, anger and depression.

* This was by no means the easiest posture of the night, but I felt deeply connected and in tune with all of my emotions. I distinctly remember thinking, "Wow! This is rough on my lower back, but my heart feels wonderful."

I'd like to know what the rest of you do to relieve stress and/or gain a better physical and mental health? Spin? Yoga? Singing? Throw Darts? It really interests me to hear the different avenues people use to promote a healthier lifestyle. Oh, and one more thing.... Happy Spring Equinox to you all! :)

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