Thursday, March 22, 2012

30DC - Day Three and Four, I Despise Norovirus...

Although you're allowed to miss days in the challenge, as long as you make it up by going twice on another day, I was REALLY hoping I wouldn't have to do that. Well, Chris caught the stomach bug and was violently vomiting all Tuesday night... then, yours truly caught it. As many of you friends and family know, I absolutely hate throwing up - it's right up there with big furry spiders and snakes. Yes folks, I suffer from Emetophobia - the fear of vomiting or anything pertaining to it. It's a true phobia and is one of the most common out there, which I find both relieving and comical. Anyway, the last few days have not been very pleasant in our 680 SF studio. I missed Bikram yesterday and today, which means I will have to find two other days where I can commit myself to 180 minutes of practice. Yikes!

On the upside - Chris is feeling much better and is going to rent a movie for us to watch. Hopefully I'll be asleep within a few hours and not occupying "el baño"....



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